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Planning of the project:
  1. 29th November – 3rd December: 1st international meeting of all partners, in Poland
  2. work with students in schools: conception of videos; networking - exchanges with teachers and students from 3 countries, E-twinning:
- collection of information about war prisoners and stalags, for example memories of prisoners, witnesses and soldiers, artistic creations of prisoners
- creation of inter-disciplinary exercises concerning project
- visits in museums, participation in workshops, meetings with historians
- exploration in field, on the territory of stalags I B and VI K (photographical documentation, maps, information for the project web site)
- using IT on class: videos, informatics support, conception of web site and blog
- eTwinning – relations between schools
- implementation of inversed class and TACOS
- presentation of student’s achievements in school and/ or out of school
- preparation to historical camp: selection of participants and teachers, development of program (definition of subjects, methods of work  and evaluation); choice of one subject to prepare and present to other participants
- project promotion (in local medias).
  1. 16-24 June 2018: historical camp for students, in Olsztyn. The aim of this meeting is to exchange what pupils did during the last year, create a historical board game and visit the museum in Olsztynek and the war museum in Gdańsk)
  2. 14-17 September 2018: 2nd international meeting of all partners in Germany: recapitulation of the 1st year of the project, choice of the concrete subjects to work on during the 2nd year, preparation of events related to the anniversary of 1918) – September 2018
  3. work with students in schools: networking - exchanges with teachers and students from 3 countries
- using IT on class: videos, informatics support, conception of web site and blog
- eTwinning – relations between schools
- implementation of inversed class and TACOS
- presentation of student’s achievements in school and/ or out of school
- preparation to final meeting in France: selection of participants and teachers, preparation of presentation
  1. 18-24 May 2019 - final meeting in France - dissemination of intellectual outputs
  2. Summery and evaluation of the project: redaction of a booklet – summary of the project; redaction of a guide for teachers presenting advices how to use videos, flipped learning in history class.
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